Ayerro Admin replied

564 weeks ago

Ohi troubled friend.

If you need something cleared, for example, Titan EX, make a thread here and we'll take a look at it. Most likely, we'll be able to get a group together for about anything, or at least we'll try our best to set something up. We can even take some time to use Party Finder if needed for the leftover slots if any.

Don't be shy, srs. Just go ahead and make a thread and we'll see what we can do to clear it!

If you're confused about what you can request, here are some examples of requests:
- Ultima EX
- Garuda EX, Ifrit EX, Titan EX
- Relics
- PvP queues
- dance party in Gridania

All events will be added to our schedule here. (http://chocochu.guildwork.com/schedule)

last edited 564 weeks ago by Ayerro
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